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In order to amortize the Boundless' on-chain verification cost, a recursive verification protocol is used to verify multiple independent receipts such that a single receipt attests to every claim in a set of proofs. For efficient verification of proofs on-chain, this process builds a binary Merkle tree of the receipt claims.

Boundless Market

A coordination and clearing mechanism to that connects those requesting proof generation with those providing proving power, and ensuring the prover is paid if and only if they complete the request.

See the Proof Lifecycle page for more details.


Running a proof request's execution only (e.g. using RISC Zero's dev-mode) in order to calculate the required cycles for the proof order.

This allows one to:

  • Validate an order is possible to fulfill at all (execution completes without error).
  • Confirm execution results match a proof requests requirements.
  • Calculate an appropriate price and lock-in stake for the request.


The market participant that fulfills proof order.

Proof Request

A request - sometimes called an order - placed on the Boundless Market includes:

  • An ID for the request on the Market.
  • Proof Requirements for a this order to be fulfilled, including the Image ID and constraints on the journal.
  • A URL where the ELF binary for the program with required Image ID's can be retrieved by the prover.
  • Guest program inputs, provided either inline or as a public URL.
  • An offer specifying the payment for successful order fulfillment.


Also referred to as the client, the party submitting orders to the market, and receiving proofs form the Boundless Market.